
I have a Mathematics Master from ETH Zurich and an undergraduate degree from the University of Zagreb. I did four internships during my studies: Photomath, stype, Microsoft, and Disney Research.

I’m from Zadar, Croatia. During my high school days, I liked doing mathematics a lot; this resulted in three medals at the International Mathematical Olympiad.

I used to create competitive programming problems as a hobby.
For those that like math more, I have a collection of math olympiad handouts.

Before my PhD, my research focus has been on deep learning theory: here are some questions that I would like to see answered.

I have been using Linux and then Mac for a long time - see my setup.

Wrt hobbies, I think karaoke is underrated. I prefer bars in front of strangers over the karaoke boxes.

For a selection of what I read, see my list of links.